Busy Bee Academy Childcare Center provides a loving Christian environment where we empower our children for success. The staff is experienced, degreed, and CPR-certified educators. Each educator in our facility receives the minimum required training hours annually.
Busy Bee Academy does accept DHR certificates, Childcare Resources, and Childcare Central. We provide a healthy breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack.
The A-Beka Christian Curriculum is implemented in our classrooms to help prepare our children for kindergarten. To assure safety, our facility has a controlled entry security system and monitoring system as well as a secure check-in and check-out system.

Our Vision
To provide a safe and happy place for children, where communication between parent and provider is embraced. To teach our children to respect each other, adults and our property. We are dedicated to preparing children and employees for a lifetime of learning and focusing on empowering them physically, socially, educationally and emotionally so that they can make excellent choices for everyday living.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a safe, loving, and nurturing environment, that will help to build a strong educational and moral foundation. We strive to allow our children to develop their faith in fun and exciting ways through music, art, science, free play, outings, scripture memorization and parent participation so that they become who they have been predestined to be.